I am _resun. I am an Optimist, and I love UNIX and C.


Some Material

Languages I have dealt with

I have written programs in many different languages. My intention to deal with those languages was not to write programs in them but to understand computing from the perspective of that language.







Some of the other languages, libraries, frameworks, APIS, etc. that I have used and tried to master.








Django Internals

GCP (overall)

GCP Places API


Auth0 (overall)













Things I have worked on

I have worked on different projects along with my friends. Here are some of them organized chronologically.


I made this website for a German-based creative agency, Renderwork in late 2023. It is written in HTML, CSS and Vanilla JavaScript and the 3d objects in THREE.js.



I made this to manage my website. In mid-2020, I was learning Django, and it seemed very easy to make a Content Management System with Django. So I started designing one, but after successfully making the plan and writing some code, I moved on to another work, and in 2021 I started working on it again and completed this CMS in mid-2021. It is currently hosted on Heroku free server but not managing any website.

PC Price Tracker

This program tracks the prices of PC parts as time goes on so that people can see the changes over time and make their buying and selling decisions. The program that tracks the price periodically is written in Python using BeautifulSoup. The front-end code is in plain JavaScript and is hosted in Firebase Hosting.


Books I Found Interesting

Being a geek, I mostly read documentation and manuals primarily on Mathematics, Physics and Computers (this one has the highest priority). I have not read many books, but here are some that I have enjoyed reading.

The C Programming Language - k & r

This book is a great source to learn C as well as computing. The examples are very helpful and generate sophisticated programs. After using Research UNIX, I think most of the examples are the stripped-down source code of UNIX commands. As described in the book, pointers are central to C, and this book explains them clearly. Along with C, chapter 8 describes Research UNIX's system designs.

CPL on Wikipedia

The Unix Programming Environment - bwk & rob

An excellent book explaining Unix, as well as computing. While reading this book, I mostly enjoyed knowing how Unix works and I was amazed by it.

UPE on Wikipedia

The Art of Assembly Language - Randall Hyde

This book is very informative. The first chapter describes different numeral systems, which was interesting to me. Chapter 2 and 3 explains how the system works and the later chapters explain Intel 80x86 assembly language. The analogies of assembly and other high-level languages made the assembly codes are easy to understand.

I have not finished reading this book yet (moved to another assembly language). But, based on what I have read so far, this book is awesome.

AAL on Goodreads

Interesting other things

I have worked on some other things that are not parts of any projects but maybe they are the best source of experience. The majority of them are written to C along with some in Python. They are organized randomly and linked to the respective GitHub repository.


This is a converter of different numeral systems. I started the program with dozens of functions working separately to perform the conversion. Then Clem Cole guided me to improve the code. I ended up writing a short program with fewer functions. The program is now working more smartly.

A more detailed description is in the README.md file of the GitHub repository

GitHub / resun-c / dump

Django Firestore Session Engine

This is a simple Django Session Engine that uses Firestore as the database to store session data. This can be useful if you can't use Django's Database Engines or other Session Engines. Google Cloud App Engine, for example, requires you to use Cloud SQL to use Database, which is costly. On the other hand, Cloud Firestore is free up to a limit, and it is not as expensive as Cloud SQL on paid plans. So if you use App Engine and need a cost-effective solution for session cookies, this can be useful.

GitHub / resun-c / Django-Firestore-Session-Engine

Colourful Cat

I love to cat files in the terminal rather than opening them with a text editor (ed is a different case). But it seems daunting to find something from a large source file when printed in the default colour. So I wrote a cat that prints C and Python files colourfully!

GitHub / resun-c / colourful-cat

Links I've gathered

Dennis Ritchie's Home Page

The Unix Heritage Society

M. Douglas McIlroy's Home Page : This page contains computing with mathematics. This is one of the most interesting things to me.

Hello, World! : Opinion columns from The Daily Princetonian

Start with why - Simon Sinek

How do you measure success - Simon Sinek

The Programmer Dress Code : Really funny remarks on programmers' dresses.